11 September 2008

METRO returns to Downtown Phoenix starting September 15th

this is from the Downtown Voices Coalition blog, online at http://downtownvoices.org/

[Source: Valley Metro] — Beginning the week of September 15, as early as Monday, you can expect a train anytime from either direction in downtown Phoenix. The vacant tracks you may be used to walking or biking on will soon be busy with activity. METRO light rail will expand vehicle testing to downtown Phoenix this month and the rest of the Phoenix alignment in October. Testing will move in slowly, but will ramp up in the later fall and winter months. So now as you move around the METRO system, please take note of these simple guidelines to staying safe:
  • Light rail is quiet; look and listen for the train
  • Obey the traffic signals; turn only with a green arrow
  • Use the crosswalks and obey all signals
  • Stay off the trackway; never drive, bike, walk or skateboard on the tracks
  • Stay clear of the overhead wires; they are energized

METRO light rail is a 20-mile system that connects the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa set to open December 27, 2008. The in-road system will have 28 stations, eight park-and-ride facilities, and 50 trains. Trains will operate 20 hours a day and stop at stations every 10 minutes during daytime hours. Sharing the same fare structure as the Valley’s bus service, fares begin at $1.25 for a single ride. For more information on how to ride and ways to be safe around METRO light rail, click here.

Edward Jensen

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